
We found utilizing a company that specializes in equine facilities made all the difference in the world when we were searching for a high quality lighting solution for our new indoor riding arena. Our arena is such a tremendously large space and for disciplines like jumping, decent, consistent light levels is a must. The challenge was to achieve even lighting throughout, within a reasonable budget, and without compromising quality. EquiLumination was the right solution for us. The service we received was commendable. Brian was responsive and worked diligently with us to develop a lighting design that would best suit our needs. One of our boarder clients even exclaimed , “Wow! It is like a stadium. It’s awesome.” Kimberle S. H. C.
Blue Horseshoe Farm, LLC –

The lights are great and we recommend them to everyone that tours the facility! They are very efficient with excellent lighting for the ring. I was a little concerned initially about having to replace bulbs but have not had to replace one since they were installed. The net is we are a very satisfied customer!  Fred Belle Grey Farm

Everyone loves the lights! Very impressive!  Well Spring Farm

We are very pleased with the EquiLumination lights for our private arena. It’s light enough for reading! My electrician, who is very particular, likes the fixtures and had never seen a design quite like these. The price was very reasonable and your customer service was great. I recommend both the product and your company! We’ll send you some pix when time.  Andra W., Boerne, TX

The lights in our dressage arena in a word: fabulous! It is so nice to be able to ride at night with daylight quality lighting and not worry about how much it is costing! Go to their website to read about this green technology. We can attest to their incredible customer service as well. You are the best! Laura C., Altoona Florida
Plumwood Arabians

I love my EquiLumination EquiWet Fixtures, I can shoot them with the hose and brush them down with the broom. Huge difference between these and what I had. Thank you again so much!Jill S., New York

I am totally pleased with the lights. I appreciated your professionalism, patience and responding to my e-mails in a timely manner. I would have loved to have bought 24 light fixtures, but I have quite a bit on money invested with the whole project, that is why I could only order 20. I appreciated you honoring the price for 20 vs 24. I went to Home Depot and was not pleased with the quality of their lights that would be appropriate for an indoor arena. I received information via e-mail from searching the net, but I just kept going back and reviewing the information on your product. I wanted to purchase a quality light at the best price and not have to replace the light fixtures in a couple of years. In other words, do it right the first time. Melodie C.

King Construction has been very impressed with the high quality of light that we are getting in the indoor arenas where we have installed the Equidry200 High-bay fluorescent fixtures with reflectors and clear lens’. I carry a 48″ sample unit with me when visiting with my customers and when I plug it in the customers are ‘sold’ on the spot because its instant light, very bright and a more natural light than anything they have seen before. The other thing that gets their attention is the fact that the fixtures are energy efficient in comparison to the Metal Halide units they have been using in the past.Dan Nissley
King Construction Co